2013年7月23日 星期二

Canonical 發表同時搭載行動版 Ubuntu 及 Android 的智慧型手機 — Ubuntu Edge

較早前,Canonical 發表了他們第一台智慧型手機 — Ubuntu Edge,它搭載了「最快的」多核心處理器、4GB RAM、128GB 儲存空間、4.5吋 720p 螢幕,並支援 4G LTE、802.11n Wi-Fi、Bluetooth 4.0及 NFC 連接能力。至於系統方面,它將同時搭載行動版 Ubuntu 及 Android 作業系統,而當用戶把 Ubuntu Edge 插上底座後,更可以把它當成完整的 Ubuntu PC。最後就是大家關心的價格及開售詳情,這台手機將於明年五月發售,首 5000 台 Edge 的售價為 US$600(HK$約4,654.8、NT$約17,943),而其餘則為 US$830(HK$約6,439.1、NT$約24,821)。有興趣的朋友不妨在跳轉後觀看簡介影片,或者前往產品介紹網頁。

Ubuntu Edge 介紹 / 圖片轉自:http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/ubuntu-edge(Indiegogo)

Ubuntu Edge Teaser Promo

The Ubuntu Edge is a smartphone and desktop PC in one state-of-the-art device, the next generation of personal computing. Don't miss out.

Ubuntu Edge: introducing the hardware

The Ubuntu Edge is a pioneering device designed to drive innovation in the mobile industry. Like Formula 1 for the car industry, Ubuntu Edge is a testbed for cutting-edge technologies, accelerating their adoption and driving them down into the mainstream. In this video Mark Shuttleworth, founder of Ubuntu, reveals his vision of an exciting future for mobile computing.

Ubuntu Edge: the software story

With the Ubuntu Edge, your phone is also your PC. Simply connect the Edge to any HDMI monitor to start working immediately on the full Ubuntu desktop, with all the usual desktop applications. It's totally integrated, so you can access all the phone's files from the desktop, and even make calls and send messages. In this video Leann Ogasawara, Ubuntu Kernel Engineering Manager, demonstrates how this amazing convergence works.

