2013年2月26日 星期二

Nokia 在 MWC 2013 上發表兩台按鍵式傳統手機—105 及 301

在現時智慧型手機當道的市場裡,Nokia 並沒有忘記針對入門市場的傳統手機(feature phone)。Nokia 就在昨天於西班牙巴塞羅那(Barcelona)舉行的 MWC 2013 上發表兩台傳統手機—105 及 301,兩者都採用鍵盤式操作並運行 S40 作業系統。

而規格方面,Nokia 105 就搭載一個 1.45吋 65000 色 TFT 熒幕(已經很久沒看過這個尺寸的熒幕了)、8MB 儲存空間、FM 收音機、電筒,並提供 EDGE(GSM 900/1800)連接能力。至於較為高階的 Nokia 301 就配備一個 2.4 吋 QVGA(240x320)的 TFT 熒幕、Bluetooth 3.0、64MB RAM、256MB 內置儲存空間,並支援最高 32GB microSD,並提供 3G HSPA(900/2100 或 850/1900)連接能力。

至於售價方面,Nokia 105 的售價為 EUR€15(HK$約151.9、NT$約581),並在 2013 年第一季起於亞洲與歐洲販售。而 Nokia 301 的售價為 EUR€65(HK$約658、NT$約2,518),並計劃在 2013 年第二季開始在全球販售。


Nokia 105 - Nokia quality inside out

Discover the new Nokia 105 http://nokia.com/105

Built to last with authentic Nokia quality inside and out, the Nokia 105 features a 1.45"" colour screen, a one-piece keypad that's dust- and splash-proof and a battery that lasts up to 35 days. Featuring Nokia Life* for advice on living and learning, it also includes a speaking clock, five alarms, flashlight, pre-loaded games and an FM radio. All encased in a distinctive Nokia design at an affordable price point.
*Available in India, China, Indonesia & Nigeria. 

Screen images are simulated and some sequences shortened.

Nokia 301 - High performance classic phone enhanced with smart camera and 3.5G Internet

Discover the new Nokia 301 http://nokia.com/301

The Nokia 301 is 3.5G HSPA capable phone with a 2.4" screen and pillowed key mat. Enjoy more Internet with Nokia Xpress Browser, including video streaming from YouTube, Mail for Exchange support for secure corporate email on the go, in addition to popular email such as Yahoo!, Gmail and Hotmail, and dedicated Facebook and Twitter apps. Smart camera features such as a voice-guided self-portrait mode, panorama and sequential shooting take advantage of the 3.2 megapixel camera. HD voice ready means crystal-clear audio quality when making calls. 

Screen images are simulated and some sequences shortened.

