
2013年11月15日 星期五

Jolla 宣布 Sailfish OS 將會使用 HERE Maps 地圖及 apps 支援詳情

稍早,Jolla 終於公佈有關由 MeeGo 中分支出來的 Sailfish OS 的地圖及 apps 支援詳情。在新聞稿中,Jolla 宣布旗下 Sailfish OS 將會和 Symbian、Windows Phone、Asha Software Platform、Tizen、Firefox OS 等平台一樣,採用目前仍屬於 Nokia 的 HERE Maps 地圖服務。至於 apps 方面,Sailfish 將會支援 Sailfish OS 原生 apps 和 Android apps,開發者將可以把這兩類 apps 透過 Jolla Harbour 向各使用者發放。

另外,受惠於 Myriad AG 技術,Sailfish OS 將可以完全支援 Android apps 並將預載 Yandex.Store apps 商店,這個平台目前正提供 17 個分類、合共 85,000 個 apps,當中包含 Facebook、Twitter、Foursquare、Skype、Viber、WeChat、Angry Birds 等熱門 apps 和遊戲,同時支援 app 內購買功能。


Jolla smartphones to feature HERE
’s maps and thousands of Android apps
HELSINKI November 13, 2013. Sailfish OS reached another major milestone by integrating HEREs mapping and positioning technology alongside thousands of AndroidTM applications provided by Yandex.Store, an app store for Android.
Jolla smartphones equipped with HERE capabilities
Jolla announced an agreement to license positioning services and map technology from HERE, a Nokia business, to be used in Sailfish OS. This will provide users with up-to-date map data and rich location information, such as restaurants and hotels, from over 190 countries around the world.
Enabling fast and accurate retrieval of positioning information anywhere in the world, these services are essential for any mobile maps experience. A global map and location content offering also brings Jolla one step closer to achieving a fully equipped mobile operating system. The mapping asset is an integral part of Jolla’s complete user experience.
“We are excited that HERE is providing its leading positioning services for Sailfish OS and that our maps application will be powered by HERE cloud services. This will help us deliver the optimal mobile maps experience to our customers,” says Jolla CEO, Tomi Pienimäki.
Thousands of Android applications available for Jolla devices through Yandex.Store’s Android app store
Jolla users can easily download top Android applications from Yandex.Store, which run on Sailfish OS thanks to a fully compatible Android runtime provided by Myriad AG.
Currently featuring over 85,000 apps in 17 categories, Yandex.Store offers the best and most popular apps from social networking and communication apps like Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, Skype, Viber and WeChat to games like Angry Birds. Yandex.Store will provide in-app purchase opportunities and is available on smartphones and tablets in 37 languages.
An integral part of Jolla's Sailfish OS is integrated Android compatible application runtime that Jolla has developed in co-operation with Myriad AG, a leading provider of software and services to the mobile and TV industry.
"Jolla's strategy is always to work with the most respectable service partners in specific markets and create long- term strategic partnerships. We analysed a number of alternative Android app stores to use for our first markets in Europe, and quickly found out that Yandex's offer is very competitive and that they are very interested in developing their app store together with us for the needs of Sailfish customers", says Jolla CEO, Tomi Pienimäki.
Application developers can start to submit apps to Jolla Store
Jolla Store welcomes all native Sailfish and Android applications.
Application developers can download the Sailfish SDK for free and start to submit applications to Jolla Harbour at harbour.jolla.com. Jolla Harbour is an open, free-of-charge application publishing portal that provides developers with quality assurance and publishing solutions in ensuring optimal application quality and user experience in Sailfish OS. Jolla Harbour has a unique capability to support both native Sailfish and Android apps, providing consumers with a fully integrated Store experience in Jolla smartphones and Sailfish OS.
About Jolla
Jolla Ltd., headquartered in Helsinki, Finland, is developing mobile devices and the open operating system, Sailfish, based on the heritage of MeeGo project. In addition to its R&D sites in Helsinki and Tampere, Jolla has offices in Hong Kong.
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