
2013年11月15日 星期五

iWork for iCloud beta 推出 2013 年 11 月更新,加入協作、列印、資料夾管理等功能

今天可以說是 Apple 的「更新日」,線上文書處理平台 iWork for iCloud beta 也迎來了 2013 年 11 月更新,和其他同類型平台一樣,iWork for iCloud 將可以讓用戶協作文件,用戶只需要在文件頂部工具列選擇「Share」,即可取得協作連結,而文件擁有者亦可在任何時間關閉協作功能。另外,這次更新亦追加資料夾管理與直接列印文件等新功能,跳轉後可以看到官方提供的更新詳情(英文),當然大家亦可到 http://icloud.com 體驗一下這些新功能。

What’s included in the update?
Pages, Numbers, and Keynote for iCloud beta:
  • Collaborator list: View the list of collaborators currently in a document.
  • Collaborator cursor: See cursors and selections for everyone in a document.
  • Jump to collaborator: Instantly jump to a collaborator’s cursor by clicking their name in the collaborator list.
  • Collaboration animation: Watch images and shapes animate as your collaborators move them around.
  • Printing: Print your documents directly from the Tools menu.
  • Folders: Organize your documents in folders.
Numbers for iCloud beta:
  • Reorder sheets: Change the order of the sheets in your spreadsheet, right in your browser.
  • Links: Create links using the HYPERLINK function.
Keynote for iCloud beta:
  • Skip slides: Right-click any slide in the navigator to skip it during playback.


