
2013年5月11日 星期六

原來拍攝 Macworld 雜誌封面一點也不簡單(影片)

當大家拿起 Macworld 雜誌時,會不會以為封面圖片是用電腦模擬出來的呢?較早前,YouTube 就出現了一段講述 Macworld 封面誕生的影片,當中的過程包括複雜的構圖、拍攝,以至後期製作,真的讓人深感配服。而在跳轉後就可以看到這段 驚天地泣鬼神 的影片。

Macworld Cover Creation

After working on the latest cover for Macworld Magazine I wanted to show what is involved in making a cover. I focused on the three main areas: the photography, photoshop and design. I chose a time lapse format to convey lots of information in a small amount of time. The only drawback of time lapse is that since half a day goes by in 30 seconds, the whole process seam so easy! Lots of details were left out of the design process (like the cover meetings and rounds of layout options). I began to photograph the design process after the layouts had already been narrowed down to just three cover designs.

