
2013年3月15日 星期五

Apple 終於釋出 OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.3,追加在 Mac App Store 內以鏡頭兌換 iTunes gift card

經過 13 個測試版本後,Apple 終於在今早向所有 OS X Mountain Lion 用戶釋出 OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.3 更新。當中除了少不了的除蟲外,還追加了 Bootcamp 對 Windows 8 及 3TB 磁碟支援。另外,早前首次在 iTunes 11 上的「以 Mac 鏡頭兌換 iTunes Gift Card」功能亦已經登陸 Mac App Store。(編按:香港 iTunes Gift Card 並不支援這個功能)

與此同時,這次更新亦帶來 Safari 6.0.3,它主要修正書籤同步等問題和改善瀏覽 Facebook 與放大頁面時捲動的流暢度。跳轉後可以找到 OS X 10.8.3 的更新詳情(changelog)。

The OS X Mountain Lion v10.8.3 update is recommended for all OS X Mountain Lion users and includes new features and fixes.
Updating your system
  1. You should back up your system before installation. To do this you can use Time Machine.
  2. Do not interrupt the installation process once you have started to update your system.
  3. You may experience unexpected results if you have third-party system software modifications installed, or if you've modified the operating system through other means.
  4. Click the Apple () menu and choose Software Update to check for the latest Apple software via the Mac App Store, including this update.
  5. Other software updates available for your computer may appear, which you should install. Note that an update's size may vary from computer to computer when installed using Software Update. Also, some updates must be installed prior to others.
You can also download the manual update installer. This is a useful option when you need to update multiple computers but only want to download the update once. These versions of the standalone installers are available from Apple Support Downloads
About the update
This update is recommended for all OS X Mountain Lion users and includes features and fixes that improve the stability, compatibility, and security of your Mac, including:
  • The ability to redeem iTunes gift cards in the Mac App Store using your Mac's built-in camera
  • Boot Camp support for installing Windows 8
  • Boot Camp support for Macs with a 3 TB hard drive
  • A fix for an issue that could cause a file URL to quit apps unexpectedly
  • A fix for an issue that may cause Logic Pro to become unresponsive when using certain plug-ins
  • A fix for an issue that may cause audio to stutter on 2011 iMacs
  • A fix for an issue in Contacts that may cause cards to print out of order
  • A fix for an issue that may cause the desktop picture to change after logging out or restarting
  • A fix for an issue in Messages that may cause messages to appear out of order after waking from sleep
  • A fix for an issue that may cause the screen to display incorrectly after waking from sleep
  • Improves compatibility with IMAP servers in the Notes app
  • Allows the Slideshow screen saver to display photos located in a subfolder
  • A fix for an issue in Contacts that may cause addresses to print in the wrong location
  • Reliability improvements when using a Microsoft Exchange account in Mail
  • Xsan reliability improvements
  • A fix for an issue that could cause Active Directory accounts to be locked out after accessing the Security & Privacy pane in System Preferences
  • A fix for an issue that could cause link aggregation to not complete after a restart
  • A fix for an issue that could cause delays when logging into an Active Directory account on high latency networks
Safari 6.0.3 
Safari 6.0.3 is included in the OS X Mountain Lion v10.8.3 Update and contains fixes that improve performance, stability, and security, including:
  • Improves scrolling on facebook.com
  • Improves scrolling while zoomed in on a webpage
  • Improves performance on webpages with plug-in content
  • A fix for an issue that could cause the inaccurate appearance of an alert that bookmarks can't be changed
  • A fix for an issue that could cause duplicate bookmarks to appear on an iOS device after editing bookmarks with Safari in OS X
  • A fix for an issue that permitted users to access unfiltered search results when searching from google.com when Parental Controls are enabled
  • A fix for an issue that could prevent Safari from restoring the last position on a webpage a user navigated back to

Additional Information

For detailed information about the security content of this update, see Apple security updates.
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