
2013年3月29日 星期五

Apple 釋出 Final Cut Pro X 10.0.8,追加針對專業用戶的功能

最近,有報導指 Apple 打算把被評為忽略專業用戶需要的 10.0.8 版本。在這個版本中,除了追加畫質達 4K 標準的 Sony XAVC 編碼技術及從採用標準 Rec. 709 顏色和對比度的 ARRI ALEXA 攝影機顯示 ProRes Log C 檔案的選項外,還加入少不了的除蟲工作。至於 Apple 介紹 Final Cut Pro X 的頁面就加入了導演徐克與加拿大報章 The Globe and Mail 的分享,以及說明已經支援 Sony XAVC 編碼技術。

另外,Final Cut Pro X 的輔助 App—Motion 與 Compressor 也一併獲得修正各方面的問題及提升效能的更新,跳轉後可以看到這三個 app 的更新詳情(changelog)。

Final Cut Pro X 介紹頁面:http://www.apple.com/finalcutpro/(Apple)

Final Cut Pro Version 10.0.8

  • Support for Sony XAVC codec up to 4K resolution
  • Option to display ProRes Log C files from ARRI ALEXA cameras with standard Rec. 709 color and contrast levels
  • Resolves an issue where some third-party effects generated green frames during render
  • Resolves performance issues that could occur with certain titles and effects
  • Time reversed clips render in the background
  • Ability to use key commands to adjust Clip Appearance settings in the timeline
  • Ability to view reel number metadata located in the timecode track of video files
  • Mono audio files in a surround project export with correct volume levels
  • Drop zones no longer reset to the first frame of video after application restart
  • Fixes a performance issue which resulted from selecting multiple ranges on a single clip
  • Fixes an issue where the Play Around function did not work properly on certain clips when viewed through external video devices

Compressor Version 5.0.7
  • Resolves an issue where some third-party effects generated green frames during render
  • Resolves performance issues that could occur with certain titles and effects
  • Fixes a stability issue when splitting layers in the timeline
  • Fixes an issue where launching a plug-in with a check box could require multiple clicks
  • Fixes a stability issue with CoreMelt plug-ins

Motion Version 5.0.7
  • Resolves an issue where some third-party effects generated green frames during render
  • Resolves performance issues that could occur with certain titles and effects
  • Fixes a stability issue when splitting layers in the timeline
  • Fixes an issue where launching a plug-in with a check box could require multiple clicks
  • Fixes a stability issue with CoreMelt plug-ins

