
2012年7月6日 星期五

香港國際機場 Passbook 測試:失敗(迷之聲:離普及還有很長的路要走)

Apple 在上個月的 WWDC 2012 發表了全新的 iOS 作業系統-iOS 6,這系統加入了Passbook 的功能,而 Passbook 就是用來儲存登機證、戲票、購物優惠券及會員證等票券。可是,由於 iOS 6 剛發表不久,而且還是處於 beta 階段,因此有不少人還是不了解這個新功能。

最近,PassK.it 的首席開發人員-Nick Murray 和他的女兒在香港機場進行了 Passbook 登機證測試,他們乘搭泰國航空從香港前往泰國布吉的航機,首先在港鐵香港站嘗試以 Passbook 辦理市區預辦登機(In-town Check In)手續,可是最後他們只接受傳統的登機證。後來,他們再到機場嘗試以 Passbook 進入機場禁區,當工作人員接過 iPod touch 後,他透過對講機詢問泰國航空是否支援手機登機,但結果還是不行的。

筆者希望未來隨著 Passbook 的推出,未來使用類似 Passbook 的流動裝置票券管理系統將會更為普及,有興趣的朋友可以在跳轉後看到這段影片。

First use of iOS6 Passbook Boarding Pass - are airports Passbook Ready?

Nick Murray, lead developer for http://PassK.it, and his faithful assistant Hailey go on an adventure; places where no man or girl have been before! They go to find out if Hong Kong International Airport and Thai Airways are ready for Apple's Passbook.

The new Apple iPhone Operating system (iOS6.0) - released sometime around October 2012 - comes packaged with a brand new native app called Passbook. It allows the user to keep all their passes (tickets, coupons, loyalty cards, value cards etc..) in one handy location. The team athttp://PassK.it created the HKG-HKT boarding pass to replicate the barcode and information printed on the paper ticket.

Watch the video http://youtu.be/NqLLWh5JoXs to see one example of how we will be using Passbook in the future. And see if Nick and Hailey are successful at using no paper to check-in, get through customs and board the plane!

If you want your business to be Passbook Ready, be among the first to offer these cool Passes, and exploit the growing frenzy for the iPhone 5.0 and iOS6 release then visit http://PassK.it for more information and get in touch.

Make sure you are not the next Passbook fail.

